The Beyond the Static Model

The Beyond the Static Model is a thought experiment that I have slowly developed through research, exploration and practice. It’s development will continue as I continue my research, exploration and practice.

This model is individual and universal in that the individual is at the core but expands into the universal beyond. The model aims to demonstrate how we can live beyond the static (static being both noise and inertia).

The individual at the centre of the model is surrendering into their self and the arena surrounding their self. Elements of self are made up of self-worth, self-expression, and self-care. The self blends into the core of the arena, which is made up of identity, impact, and energy. Under each of these core arena pillars are further aspects. For example, there is belief, purpose, and character under identity.

The aspects create a continuous spiralling journey. The journey starts with belief, moves onto the compass, habits, purpose, vision, intergration, character, and connection, and ends with momentum. Each journey is a layer of an onion pulled entirely off at each end.

As we move further out, we enter the inner circles based on (but not limited to) Dunbar's number. Dunbar's number of 150 was proposed by Robin Dunbar in the 1990s and is the cognitive limit to the number of people we can maintain stable social relationships. Unlike Dunbar's number, this model allows for a more diverse definition of kin, family, clan, and tribe. Kin is simply the people closest to you and is limited to about five people. Family is your support network around you; members can be biologically or non-biologically linked to you and are limited to about 15. Clan comprises close friends and other people you consider close but not family, and this is limited to about 35. Your tribe includes your kin, family, clan, plus other people who make up your social structure of 150. A flow of input and output radiates from and to the individual out to the inner circles. The input and output are ever-changing, which challenges our belief structure and so on. Every member of your tribe is at the centre of their own arena, which causes further challenges. It's the individual's responsibility to work out which challenge is static and which is an opportunity for transcendence.

The dark space with the white dots is the beyond. The beyond is anything and everything that is not human; this could be but is not limited to animals, nature, the universe, or God.
